bobble ball

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Enjoy your pool table with. Bobble Ball Rule With Cue. Shuffleboard On A Pool Table.

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Bobble Ball
Babies absolutely love this vibrating ball that rolls and wobbles across the floor in a different direction every time - causing baby to chase after it. Bold. The colorful, shaking ball, rolls across the floor in changing directions and turns around, all the while playing different tunes and making funny sounds. This chase-worthy toy is packed with silly surprises, like goofy sounds with every jiggle and unique textures that are oh-so-easy for little hands to grasp.
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Our products are still available through:. Please direct other inquiries to info bobbleball. Bobble Ball "Specs" Bobble Ball is manufactured from the same material as standard billiard balls and is made in the USA from high quality "Partek" resin weighing approximately 6 ounces and measuring approximately 2" x 2. We played the game seated for filming purposes. Use of this site signifies your acceptance of the Terms of Use.